Capital Works Fund Forecasts
In the past, it wasn’t uncommon for Owner’s Corporations to run into difficulties because there weren’t sufficient funds available to replace failing common property items. This would result in either the individual owners having to use their own personal savings to fund expensive replacement items (known as a special levy), or the building would fall into disrepair. Neither of these options are ideal as often owners don’t have the savings available to fund a special levy, and a building in disrepair is not only unsafe, but decreases the value of your property investment.

- Administrative Fund – for day-to-day maintenance of common property items, small repairs, insurances and other recurring expenses
- Capital Works Fund – for replacement of common property items that deteriorate over time.
Quanto are experts in preparing Capital Works Fund Forecasts for any Strata Plan, whether it be a residential duplex, a multi storey high rise apartment building or industrial warehouse development. Quanto carry out inspections for all our reports to identify and estimate costs for each and every item to be included in the report and assess their condition and expected life.
Contact Quanto today or ask your Strata Manager to contact us for a quote on your Strata Plan’s 10 Year Capital Works Fund Forecast. Quanto’s coverage for Capital Works Fund Forecast reports include Newcastle, Sydney and the Greater Hunter region